Getting the P Shot: What Should You Expect?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an issue that is still often ignored, even though millions of men around the country struggle with it every year. In fact, it is estimated that over half of the male population has experienced ED at least once in their lives, with prevalence increasing with age. Here at Soza Clinic in Richardson, Bedford and Winnsboro, TX, there is a simple and effective treatment available: the P shot.

If you’re in your 30s, there is a 30% likelihood that you have suffered from ED in the past, but once you’re over 70, this rises to 70%. Despite this extremely high occurrence in the population, only around 25% of men who are affected ever seek out treatment. But you don’t have to suffer alone. With a non-invasive injection that uses your own tissue to relieve the symptoms, you can increase your sexual function, performance, and even sensitivity.

The P Shot Explained

The most common type of this P shot treatment is called the Priapus Shot, after the Greek fertility god, and was first used by Dr. Charles Runels. Making use of PRP, or, platelet-rich plasma, therapy, the treatment injects plasma taken from your own blood into your penis. The fact that your body’s cells are used makes this process painless and effective and eliminates the risk of significant side effects.

Over 800 research papers have been written about platelet-rich plasma, and none of them have found issues or been able to disprove the effectiveness of the treatment. On the contrary, this is one of the safest and least invasive ways of relieving the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and other sexual health concerns in men. Let’s explore what platelet-rich plasma is and why it works so well.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

During PRP treatment, two substances called plasma and platelets are extracted from your blood using a centrifuge that separates them from the other components. Plasma is is the most common substance in the blood and transports the other cells and nutrients around, while platelets are cell fragments that help with wound healing and blood clotting.

That’s why they are so effective in treating erectile issues: they heal the tissue and prevent any further damage. During a PRP treatment, a high concentration of platelets is injected into the affected area, delivering them straight to the area where they are most needed and providing several different healing and anti-aging effects.

The Science Behind PRP

PRP treatment concentrates your healing mechanisms where they are most needed. It is similar to the natural response to an injury such as a cut or scrape. If you get hurt, the platelets in the blood ensure that a clot is formed that seals off the wound and allows it to heal. What’s more, these cell fragments can also release growth factors, which signal that damaged cells need to be removed and encourage nearby healthy cells to reproduce.

When injecting platelet-rich plasma into the erectile tissues, these same mechanisms are triggered. We are in effect simulating what happens after an injury by encouraging the body to remove older cells and reproduce new ones faster. This rejuvenates the tissue in a healthy and natural way.

Using PRP to Speed Up Healing

Although using the PRP method to enhance men’s sexual health is a relatively new concept, the treatment itself has been used for over 40 years. The first patients injected with their own platelet-rich plasma had just undergone intense operations and required the treatment to speed up the healing process. Because of its success, the PRP method was soon being used in other fields.

In the 80s and 90s, it became popular in sports medicine and many big names in the industry benefitted from these injections, such as the NFL star Hines Ward. PRP treatment allowed for a speedy recovery and return to the playing field after injuries like sprained ligaments. Since then, it has been used to treat a variety of conditions such as hair loss, skin damage, and sexual health issues.

Why PRP Could Be Right for You

The P shot is safe, effective, and can work for almost anyone. You can expect an almost instantaneous recovery and effects that last for more than a year. Let’s explore what to consider when thinking about undergoing this treatment and what benefits you can expect as a result.

Factors that Affect Eligibility

Because your own cells are used, there is no risk of rejection and the treatment is very safe for virtually everyone. If you’ve been suffering from ED or related conditions for a while, it is negatively affecting your life in a significant way and you are in good general health, you should be eligible. Speak to your local clinic and book an appointment to evaluate whether this is the best option for you.

Erectile Changes You Can Expect After Treatment

After you have the P shot, you will notice your ability to get an erection improve dramatically. Because the PRP injected into your erectile tissue heals and rejuvenates the cells, they will be able to absorb the blood which creates your erection more easily. You may already notice this change a day or two after your injections, but the effects will continue to grow for the next few months.

Another key benefit of the treatment is your increased ability to maintain your erection. To enjoy a healthy sex life, you not only need to establish an erection, but also keep it. This is frequently a problem with ED patients, who may also struggle with premature ejaculation. The majority of men who have had a PRP injection report that they are able to enjoy longer and more satisfying sexual encounters as a result and that their penis has grown by 10-15%.

Rejuvenating Your Body

An important health benefit of this technology is that it stops and even reverses some of the damage done by aging. By encouraging the body to remove older cells and create healthy new ones, your tissues will become more youthful.

For maximum effect, the treatment will be combined with a healthy diet and plenty of exercises. This allows you to both maintain the benefits of the shot for longer and make the most of its effects. Many patients return every 1-2 years to repeat the injection so that they can keep their sexual function healthy for the long term.

Increased Confidence and Relationships

The reason why ED is often hushed up is that it can cause significant self-esteem issues in men. Unfortunately, these negative thoughts can make it even harder for you to get an erection, so the problem becomes bigger over time. What’s more, it is likely to affect many different areas of your life, such as your work and personal relationships. By getting the PRP injection, you can break out of this vicious circle and regain your natural self-confidence.

If you have a long-term partner, the treatment can not only work wonders for you personally but also for your relationship or marriage. Sex is an important component of a healthy relationship, and ED or similar conditions often put a lot of strain on both the man involved and his partner. Although it is a medical condition, it can be painful to deal with emotionally, and undergoing treatment significantly improves both your own and your partner’s mental health.

Low Risk and Hassle

As discussed, the PRP injected into your erectile tissue comes from your own body, so the risks are very minimal. Compared to more invasive surgical procedures or regularly taking pills, the treatment is simple and effective. In fact, you only need to undergo it once every year or two, and you don’t have to worry about issues commonly encountered with other methods, such as running out of pills when you most need them.

The treatment itself is extremely quick and easy, and you should plan on staying at your doctor’s office for around one hour. With such a rapid visit, you could even do it on your lunch break. Because there are no incisions made and the amount of blood drawn is very small, you can resume your normal routine immediately and even engage in sexual activity within 24 hours.

The Cost-Effective Option

In contrast to surgery, the P shot is a much less costly alternative that can work just as well. It is an outpatient procedure, so you don’t need to stay overnight, and your doctor won’t need to engage additional staff while the shot is administered. This, combined with the fact that treatment doesn’t have to be repeated very frequently, is why costs can be kept reasonable.

How to Get Your Treatment

Most men struggling with ED never get any help, but that doesn’t have to be you. With this innovative technology, you can enjoy improved sexual function within only a few weeks. Let’s explore what steps are involved and how you can get started on your road to increased confidence and a better sex life.

Before the Shot

Most people are eligible for PRP treatment, so you just need to book a consultation with your local clinic to confirm that this is the best option for you. Your doctor will discuss with you whether you’d like a local anesthetic or a full spinal block and may give you some dietary advice you should follow before your treatment to make sure you get the best quality plasma possible.

Your Appointment

When you arrive, you’ll be given a topical anesthetic first, and your doctor will start making your PRP. Once a stronger anesthetic has been administered, you’ll get several injections into your erectile tissue. That’s it – you’ll be able to leave shortly after the treatment is complete.


There are no medications for you to take and you can resume all of your activities within 24 hours of undergoing treatment. However, your doctor is going to ask you to return to the clinic for a follow-up consultation. This serves to check whether you’re satisfied with your results and to discuss how often you should have the PRP injections.

Ready to Get Started?

The P shot is a wonderful way to improve sexual function without subjecting yourself to the risk and hassle of surgery or regular pills. The quick and easy treatment can work wonders for both you and your partner and improve your wellbeing for the long term.

Get in touch with Soza Clinic in Richardson, Bedford and Winnsboro, TX today to learn more about how we can help you.

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