If you’re unhappy with the way aging has affected your appearance, you’re not alone. There are ways that you can reverse signs of aging and prevent new wrinkles from appearing. At Soza Clinic in Richardson, TX, our Juvederm injections can help you get fast and long-lasting results.
How Quickly Does Juvederm Start Working?
One of the biggest benefits of receiving this particular dermal filler is that it starts working right away. As soon as you receive your injections, you will notice a difference in the way your skin looks and feels.
Over the next week, the full effect of the filler will kick in and you will see your full results.
What Is Juvederm?
Juvederm is an injectable dermal filler that’s applied to the desired areas of your face using a very fine needle. The filler’s main ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which is a sugar your body produces naturally. You can find it in your eyes, muscles, skin, and connective tissues.
Once the hyaluronic acid is injected into your skin, it takes up space under your skin which smooths out any loose skin on top, tightening it and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. This makes this dermal filler a safe, highly effective way of maintaining a more youthful appearance.
What Causes Changes to the Skin?
It’s natural to notice things like sagging and wrinkling as you get older. That’s because your skin begins to lose its ability to effectively produce chemicals like elastin and collagen, which are proteins that help it maintain its elasticity and structure. It also begins to lose its natural levels of hyaluronic acid.
As you lose these chemicals, your skin becomes less elastic and has a harder time smoothing out when the muscles underneath it are relaxed. This is what causes the lines that form when you do things like smile, frown, or speak to become permanent. Your face is also going to look overall much thinner.
What Areas Does Juvederm Treat?
Having full lips is a youthful characteristic. If you have thin lips, this can make you look old. It can also make you look far more serious than you really are.
You can use this dermal filler to fill in your lips, making them appear fuller and plumper. This is also a good way to even out lips that may be asymmetrical.
Lipstick Lines
Lipstick lines, also known as smoker lines, are the vertical lines that appear on your lips. Like the rest of your face, your lips are naturally going to lose volume and elasticity as you get older. This is what causes these lines to form.
Unfortunately, they can age your appearance and make you look unhealthy. When you get injections of this filler into your lips, you’ll take up space beneath this loose skin and reduce the appearance of these lines.
In your youth, you may remember having large, full cheeks. But, as you’ve gotten older, you’ve probably lost a lot of volume in your cheeks, thinning out your face and making you look older.
This filler will put the volume you’ve lost back into your cheeks, making them look plump and round again. This can also help you look like you have more defined cheekbones.
When the skin on your cheeks loses volume, the loose skin on top is going to start to sag. This is what causes jowls to form. Most people don’t appreciate the appearance of jowls.
But if you decide to get this dermal filler for your cheeks, it will lift any sagging skin, keeping your jawline nice and smooth.
Nasolabial folds
It’s most common to see wrinkling on areas of the face that move around a lot. That’s why the mouth area is one of the first to wrinkle. You may have noticed that the parallel lines between your nose and mouth that form when you smile have become permanent. These are called nasolabial folds, smile lines, or laugh lines.
While they can be considered a sign that one has laughed or smiled a lot, they can also cause considerable aging to your overall appearance. This dermal filler will add volume to the area which will, in turn, smooth out skin and reduce these lines.
Marionette Lines
The lines that run from the outer corners of your mouth down to your chin are called marionette lines. These lines can significantly age your overall appearance.
If you want to get rid of these lines and get back a younger appearance, this dermal filler is the perfect option.
Can I Get Juvederm?
Your Skin Is in Good General Health
This is a highly versatile dermal filler, which is why so many dermatologists and patients love it so much. Almost anyone can get it, as long as they are in good general health.
This means that you should not be experiencing any current skin conditions like sunburn. Wait until these conditions clear up before you receive these injections.
You Want a More Youthful Appearance
Aging brings along things like wisdom and experience, but it can also bring changes to your skin and body that you may not appreciate. If you would like to get back the youthful look you’ve been missing, consider getting this filler.
It will tighten sagging skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and hyaluronic acid will stimulate your body’s production of collagen which will help your skin maintain its youthful firmness.
You Want Safe Treatment
As long as you visit a reputable clinic like ours, you can expect the entire treatment process to be very safe. The filler’s main ingredient is something that you can already find present in various parts of your body and is both effective and safe.
When you visit our clinic for treatment, you can trust the years of experience we have safely delivering this treatment to patients just like you.
You Want Something Non-Invasive
Some options, like surgeries, are better suited to certain patients. But getting surgery is a big leap, and you may not be comfortable with how invasive they can be or the risks that they carry.
If you’d like to find another solution, then getting this dermal filler can provide you with effective results without needing to go under the knife.
You’re Looking for Something Long Lasting
There’s no dermal filler that can provide permanent results. But this dermal filler can certainly last longer than many other options.
Depending on where you receive your injections and what type of Juvederm you receive, you can expect to enjoy your results for anywhere between one year to two years.
What Is Treatment Like?
Getting Ready for Treatment
There are a few simple things you’ll need to do before you get your treatment. Your practitioner will make sure you know everything you need to do before your appointment.
For instance, you’ll need to avoid things like tobacco and alcohol in the 48 hours or so prior to your appointment. This is to help prevent bruising.
Your Injections
When you arrive at our clinic, we will do everything we can to make you feel welcome and comfortable. To start the treatment process, we’ll carefully clean your skin to ensure no bacteria can enter the injection sites.
Once your skin is clean and we’ve marked the places where you’re going to be receiving the product, we’ll begin with the injections. We will use strategic injections of small amounts of the product at a time to help us stay accurate. The entire treatment process should take less than an hour.
Your Recovery
Because this is a non-invasive treatment, there is no downtime associated with your skin’s recovery. As soon as your appointment is finished, you’ll be able to leave our clinic and resume your daily activities. There are just a few things you’ll need to keep in mind.
For the next few days, you should avoid strenuous activity or anything that could cause excessive sweating as this could affect your results. Since your skin is going to be more sensitive during this time, you will also need to stay out of direct sunlight as it can burn more easily.
Get In Touch Today
If you are ready to get back the youthful appearance you’ve been missing, it’s time to call our clinic. We’re ready to provide you with the safe and effective treatment you need to get long-term results. Book an appointment with us today at Soza Clinic in Richardson, TX.