Erectile dysfunction can occur in men of any age. While medication or other methods may work in some cases, other men are left wondering if anything will ever help them enjoy intimacy again. One option that provides hope when it comes to men’s sexual health is known as the P-Shot®. Here are some things you should know about this course of treatment and why a visit to our clinic may be good for you.
What’s in the Injection?
The injection contains platelet-rich plasma. The product is made using your own blood. Once extracted, the blood is subjected to treatments that help to separate the plasma. An injection is then made into the erectile tissue of the penis. The entire P-Shot® process is performed in the comfort of our clinic.
How Long Before I See a Difference?
The general recommendation is to look for changes to occur in the quality and frequency of erections after two weeks to a month. Some men report that they notice a difference within days of receiving the P-Shot®. There are cases when a single session does not suffice. If there are no signs of improvement after eight weeks, receiving a second shot is a possibility.
Will the Shot Impact Length and Girth?
The P-Shot® is specifically targeted at improving nerve function and rejuvenating erectile tissue. That means the focus is usually on improving the ability to achieve and maintain an erection long enough to engage in penetrative intimacy. Some men have reported that they notice an increase in length and girth along with more rigid erections, but men’s sexual health medical professionals typically do not encourage patients to think the shots will lead to a larger or thicker penis size.
How Long Will the Results Last?
There is evidence that the effects of the P-Shot® can last for quite a while. After that time, the patient can receive another round of treatment if desired.
Do you think that the P-Shot® may be the men’s sexual health solution you’ve been seeking? Book an appointment at Soza Clinic. If the underlying cause of your erectile dysfunction appears to be physical, we’ll tell you more about this option. Together, we will find the right approach and ensure you receive the help that you want. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Bedford, Richardson, or Winnsboro.